Wednesday, January 17, 2007

A Change of Scenery

The title obviously refers to the changes I have made to my Blog layout. The rest of this post is titled:


This past weekend I was really blessed to be a part of the “Couples Advance” with my Bible fellowship. There were 8 couples at different stages of their relationships (some just dating, some engaged, some married under 5 years, and some over 20). It was really fun learning about what the Bible says about the marriage relationship.

I think the best part of the Advance was the activities we did. I received permission from DH to share some of our findings.

One activity was to Write down 5 things you would like to do with your spouse. This was an eye-opener for both of us because we really agreed on these five things:

• Focus on activities/attractions available in our area during “date night” (instead of just meals and movies)
• Visit/fellowship more with friends
• Focus on healthy meals/exercise together
• Spend more time with family – build stronger relationships
• Spend more time on home improvement projects together

This was cool because when we got to the third one DH suggested it. I am so excited that he would like to do this together. I have been talking about walking together after dinner or on the weekends. Just being more physical in our activities instead of just “dinner and a movie.”

That activity we worked on together and got the five things together. This next activity was one we did individually and then shared what we wrote. This was so awesome because DH and I got the exact same answers in the exact same order!!!! Talk about being like-minded.

List 3 things you are thankful to God for in your relationship.

• Our communication
• Our family ties, the fact that we have great relationships with our families.

Isn’t that AWESOME!?

DH and I had a really fun time. It really opened up a lot of opportunity for discussion in our marriage. We truly love each other and most importantly we love God and His Word above all else.

Truly I am a blessed woman.


Mary said...

Rean, I really like your blog's new look, great colors! So glad you and DH are heading in the same direction with your goals and plans. (((Big Hugs))) So excited for both of you.

Rean Day said...


Thanks. It thought it was time for a change. I'm excited about our direction too. Thanks for the hugs. LOL.


Cherish the Home said...

Your blog looks great! This is the template I started with on my very first blog. (o:

Jodi said...

Rean -

I wanted to pop in and visit you. What a lovely post. It sounds like you and your hubby enjoyed a wonderful marriage workshop. And, other than our walk with the Lord, what is more worthy of our efforts than marriage! :o)

I enjoyed your other posts, too! What a cute kitty you have! :o) Hubby and I are "cat" people - lol!