Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Procrastination Challenge - Wednesday

Ok, here is my Anti-Procrastination Mission for today.

Todays mission is to (drum roll please...) SORT THE MAIL!!!!

DH gets paid once a month and we have automatic bill payment through our bank. We do our budget once a month and then edit it by using our on-line banking. Due to the fact that our bills get paid automatically, we tend to just pile up the mail and not even look at it. This is something I know we need to change. We need to find some sort of "filing" system for our incoming mail. I have tried separate file folders labeled "TO DO", "TO READ", "TO FILE". but they didn't get used. I'm not sure what we need to do in the long run, however, I KNOW I need to go through all the junk mail, bills (which are already paid but they still send us paper copies), magazines, and tax information.

Whew, that is going to be quite a bit of work if I actually file things away where they need to go, which I am planning on doing. Plus I have my Financial Peace University class tonight. I guess I better plan on going home for lunch so I can get started on this mission!!


So I went home for lunch and after making a delicious salad, heating up my chili (Yum) and eating it all up I didn't have time to work on my mail...I did, however, take a before picture.


I decided that I would be quite honest with these challenges. I need to be accountable and who better to be accountable to than my fellow Procrastinators!! LOL I can't wait to have an AFTER photo!! Something to strive for.


Dee said...

Good For You Rean! This is something I have to work on as well.

Anonymous said...

Yuck, hate paper work. I do hope you are able to get through it. Even though I hate that part, it is really nice to have it done. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for stopping by my blog, and for your encouraging comment! Like you, mail is often my nemesis! I know you'll get it done...and feel great afterwards! I'm trying to train myself to open our mail over the 'circular file'...but sometimes it gets piled up on the counter! I'm trying to do better, and your challenge for today reminds me that I need to work on this particular 'hot spot' myself!
Looking forward to reading more!

Kelli said...

We also get payed once a month and do on-line billing so I know about piled up mail! Good job on tackling your pile!

Rean Day said...

Thanks for the encouragement everyone!! I am really loving these procrastination challenges.

Rean Day