Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Works For Me Wednesday: Shower Clutter

So DH and I used to have the constant battle of all married couples where the wife (or husband) purchases every possible concoction to have in the shower. Not enough room on the little bitty ledges to hold all the bottles. (Curse you Bath and Body Works with your big sales!!)

So when I saw this in Home Depot while looking for...whatever it was DH wanted at the moment (curse you Home Depot and your many many aisles) I knew we had to buy it.

DH has the left two (one for shampoo/conditioner, one for body wash) and I have the other two (one for shampoo, one for body wash). I also use the little shelf for my conditioner and shave cream and we hang our scrubbies on the little hooks. I have a razor that came with a wall attachment and that is on the left side of the dispenser.

Having only one container for body wash limits my selection but now I can store my other scents in our linen closet and switch them out when my section is empty. This allows us to buy shampoo in larger containers because we are refilling and don't have to have the bulky bottles on the ledges.

We have had ours for 2 years and if something breaks which has happened twice now, we can order parts from the company.

It really works for us.


Jodi said...

Rean ~ Shame, shame on Bath and Body Works and Home Depot ~ lol!

I've looked at these and wondered if they worked. I'm just going to have to check them again next time I'm left stranded on one of Home Depot's many, many aisles. ;o) Thanks for the tip!

Mrs. Anna T said...

Wow, this looks like a GREAT idea!

Olivia said...

How neat is that?!?!?